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Senior Consultant, HR Consulting Div.

エース・チャ  Ace Cheah

Ace graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours (Distinction), specializing in Human Capital Management and Marketing. He picked up the Japanese language in 2013 (JLPT N3, Further Advanced Class at Ikoma Language School) and attended summer school at Waseda University for a month. Through his internships and interaction with various companies, Ace realized the benefit of HR in improving employees’ lives in companies and has since made that his driving purpose. At beyond global, Ace supports Japanese companies in Singapore through HR system redesign and implementation, employee surveys and interviews. He also supports communication with local employees through employee briefing sessions and trainings. Using that same driving force, he aims to improve employee relationships and employee working conditions in companies. He believes that happy employees equate to better work performance overall.


I joined beyond global as an intern in 2018. I was thinking while interning with beyond, I could put my Japanese skills to good use and earn some money. As most students usually partake in internships solely during their holidays, I certainly did not to continue interning at beyond past the holidays and ended up joining as a full-time staff after graduation. What kept me to pursue my internship and eventually, joining as a full-time staff was the amount of learnings I acquired at beyond. Despite being an intern, I was given the opportunity to support the various HR consulting tasks, which included creating employee evaluation sheets and supporting as a training assistant. In addition to expand my skills, I felt extremely rewarded to be given challenging work tasks and accomplishing them. Furthermore, the members were very welcoming – at how many companies do members have lunch together daily? The rewarding career and camaraderie in beyond is what I love most. Of course, being a consultant is a challenging career – no two companies are the same, and new solutions will have to be developed for every project. That said, every project will have an impact on employees’ lives in our clients’ companies. Knowing that there are people benefitting from your job is very fulfilling indeed.