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Daiichi Jitsugyo Asia Pte Ltd | Personal interviews that help to identify the real “voice” of your employees
Kyocera Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Singapore) | Change your organization by training your expatriates and conducting engagement surveys across 9 Asian countries!
An interview with Mr, Peter Michael Senge, the author of “Learning Organization” by Mr, Morita.
An interview with Otto Scharmer, the author of “Theory U” by Mr, Morita.
Preview of “Global Learning Journey” in Thailand.
Preview of “Public Training for Local Managers: Management Essence Training” by Ms, Sandy Saito
Preview of “Global Learning Journey” in Philippines
Preview of “Global Learning Journey” in Indonesia
住友三井オートサービス株式会社 | 現場主導のボトムアップ型働き方改革! それぞれが働きたいスタイルを選択できる 『ワークスタイルエボリューション』の先に 事業の進化を見据えて
HR SUMMIT 2017 After Report | なぜ日本企業はアジアで人気がなくなっているのか?
SUZUYO(THAILAND)LTD. | ローカル社員と共に改革を!ローカル社員が納得する制度構築で反発ゼロ