True Global Team Building withWinning Together at
Japanese Companies

Winning Together

Create a truly global team.
A comprehensive bilingual guidebook for people from all cultures working with Japanese.

“Why do they not see tardiness as an issue!?”
“Why do they not understand the necessity of HouRenSou!?”
“If only they could be more proactive!”

One of the problems that many companies face when accepting non-Japanese employees is
the gap in working styles, where “what is second nature for the Japanese” is not easily understood.

Various dilemmas such as differing work perspectives, manners and morals.
Have you thrown your hands up in surrender and resign to having such problems due to a difference in culture?

What might happen if this problem goes untreated?

There may be a prevalent “We should not have hired foreigners in the first place!”. A disorganized and directionless team.
The collapse of the company’s structure and hierarchy.
These are but a few scenarios that may befall on a company that does not deal with the problem.

Likewise, if there is an increasing number of unfamiliar work processes,
foreign employees may hold a negative image of Japanese companies, which may lead to their resignation.

It is therefore essential for both Japanese and foreign employees to gain a mutual understanding of one another.
It is only when ideals are aligned, can the team work as one in the same direction.
This will lead to a better future for everyone involved.

This aids in the facilitation of fostering a greater bond between the Japanese and foreign employees.
It is for this reason that this book Winning Together was created.

This book will help foreign employees foster a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and people.
This book will also help supervisors and colleagues of foreign employees,
by providing knowledge on how to engage in efficient communication and dialog with them.

With both English and Japanese version written side by side,
this book is the ultimate guide in helping achieve the various goals of each individual.

With “Winning Together” we can strive for a better and stronger global team starting tomorrow.

Winning Together at Japanese Companies is mainly read by staff at organizations with foreign employees

  • Currently have foreign employees in employment
    Distribute book to the staff

    Currently have foreign employees in employment Distribute book to the staff

    Promote mutual understanding and respect
    Bring about greater teamwork

  • Currently have foreign employees in employment
    Distribute book to managers

    Currently have foreign employees in employment Distribute book to managers

    Guided instructions that teaches proper communication techniques
    Ensure smooth communication with foreign employees

  • Newly joint employee
    Distribute book to foreign employees

    Newly joint employee Distribute book to foreign employees

    Deepen understanding of Japanese people and the work culture which leads to faster integration in the workplace.

The 3 distinct features of the book

1Covers examples of Japanese companies that have expanded overseas. The definitive edition!

The 3 distinct features of the book

In order to smoothly work with foreign employees,

This book explains unique Japanese company’s cultures, values, and business manners in a way that foreign employees can easily understand.

The way one handles a phone call, exchange name cards and the expected work attitude in a Japanese company. These are all norms for a Japanese person.

However, for a foreign employee who has zero prior experience in handling such issues. Going about it unaided by a guide will not be an easy task.

This book provides a guide on how to educate foreign employees of the proper manner and attitude that is required of them in a Japanese company. Illustrations are also included in this book.

This book also provides knowledge on potential stumbling blocks that foreign employees face when working in a Japanese company, ensuring that one is equipped with sufficient knowledge on how to create a smooth relationship with their foreign employees.

2Written in both Japanese and English. User-friendly even for foreign employees!

The 3 distinct features of the book

Create a mutual understanding within workplace

This book not only provides explanations but also gives background information and examples for implementation with visual aids

Written in both Japanese and English language, with illustrations abundantly available, this book has been devised to be easy to read for both foreign employees and Japanese workers.

For example the work process of Hou・Ren・Sou, which is familiar to the Japanese people, can be hard to explain in English.

The necessity and the know-hows of such work processes are described in detail in both Japanese and English in this book. Understanding these topics will aid in building a sense of mutual understanding in the workplace.

3Confer a sense of unity by promoting dialogue!

The 3 distinct features of the book

Utilize this for fostering dialogue essential for growing into a global team.

Utilize this book to initiate dialogues to transform your organization into a global team
This book will contribute to

This book is not about forcing employees to adhere to the ways of the Japanese workplace.

This book aims to ensure that every employee understands the unique traits of Japanese companies.

This then can help the company focus on its strengths and areas for improvement in the global market of today.

With an ever-shifting global market comes times when certain company culture may no longer be valid. Ability vs age, the individual vs the team, these are just but a few conflicting corporate cultures.

This book includes a section where such values are discussed. Which can help identify and help create a culture that is unique to your company.

Content and specifications

Winning Together 書籍

Book Name: Winning Together
at Japanese Companies

A business book for foreigners working for Japanese companies! Learn Japanese-English notation! Easy-to-understand explanation of Japanese business culture and background. An essential guide for companies with foreign employees. The definitive guide to the characteristics of Japanese-affiliated companies! Building a Winning Team that Succeeds Together.

Winning Together E-Learning

E-Learning: Winning Together
at Japanese Companies

For Japanese who work with Local Staff and Local Staff working in Japanese companies.
Winning Together at Japanese Companies promotes mutual understanding and teamwork


Author: Takashi Kawatani
Editor: Eiichi Morita
Publisher: beyond global Japan,Inc.
Price: Book: 2,000 yen (excluded tax)
E-learning: 9,800 yen (excluded tax)
Remarks ※This is the price for a book in Japan. Please contact us if you wish to make a purchase overseas.

Content Details

Part 1Let’s Get Connected さあ、つながろう。

Part 1
  • Book
  • 1

    Seasonal and Life Events Expatriates Miss赴任者が恋しい日本の暮らしと年中行事

  • 2

    Topics for Daily Conversation with Japanese日本人との日常会話のトピック

  • 3

    Mingle Before Work 仕事の前にまじわろう

  • 4

    Get to Know Your Colleagues as Individuals相手を人として知る

  • 5

    Show Empathy共感を示す

  • 6

    Show Interest興味を示す

  • 7

    Show Appreciation感謝を伝える

  • 8

    Express the Truth That Hurts痛みを伴う真実を伝える

  • 9


  • 10

    Make Proactive Suggestions積極提案をする

  • 11

    Respond to RefusalNO に対処する

  • 12

    How to Speak English with Japanese日本人との英語の話し方

  • 13

    How to Read the Japanese Face日本人の表情の読み方

Part 2The Heart of Japanese Business Protocols 日本のビジネスマナー: その心

Part 2
  • Book
  • 1

    Truth about The Japanese Way of Work日本人の勤労観

  • 2

    Greeting: Japanese Ritual to Enter the Holy Labor挨拶は聖なる労働への儀式なり

  • 3

    Japanese Concept of Time: Slow but Steady Wins the Race 急がば回れ:日本人の時間感覚

  • 4

    Meetings as Platform To Get Your Voice Heard!ミーティングを自分の声を届ける場に使おう!

  • 5

    The Art of Exchanging “Meishi” (Name Card)名刺交換の妙

  • 6

    CC Mail is Information Snow-BallingCCメールは情報の雪だるま合戦だ

  • 7

    Magic of Phone Calling to Stay Connected人がつながる魔法の電話

Part 3Navigate Your Way in Japanese Corporate 日本企業文化の海を渡る

Part 3
  • Book
  • 1

    DRIFT: Do It Right the First Time, Every Time初めから常にベストを出す

  • 2

    5S: Japan’s Recipe to Stay “Ready”5S:常に“レディ” の状態を保つ処方箋

  • 3

    PDCA: Spiral Up to Increase Quality PDCA : 仕事の質を高めるスパイラル

  • 4

    HORENSO: The Japanese Recipe to Stay Alignedホウレンソウ: アライメントへの日本の処方箋

  • 5

    Work Attitudes Japanese Treasure and Frown Upon日本人が大切にし、また眉をひそめる勤務態度

  • 6

    Features of Western & Japanese Companies日本企業と欧米企業の特徴

  • 7

    Discuss Organizational Behaviors of Your Companyあなたの職場の組織行動を語ろう

Part 4Become a Winning Teamウイニング・チームになる

Part 4
  • Book
  • 1

    Pitfalls and Advice for Non-Japanese Employees日本企業の外国人社員が陥る落とし穴とアドバイス

  • 2

    Seven Influences to Get Yes from a Japanese Manager日本人上司のYesを勝ち得る7つの影響力

  • 3

    Sixteen Principles of Success at Japanese Companies 日本企業で成功する16の原則


  • Book
  • 1

    Our Actions for the Next 30 DAYS次の30日間の私たちのアクション

  • 2

    Epilogue: Lift Off to Win Together共に成功するために発射台から飛び立つ

For Global employeeStudy hour:1.5 hours

For Global employee
  • E-learning
  • For Global employees
  • Chapter 1

    Japanese Communication

    1-1. Japanese Communication (Express your thanks and show your interest)
    1-2. Japanese Business Communication (Greetings, Name card Exchange, CC Mail, Phone calls)
    1-3. Points to note when communicating with Japanese (Respond to refusal)

  • Chapter 2

    An Active Role in Japanese Companies

    2-1. Japanese work values (The meaning of work to Japanese, the pursuit of quality, trying your best, Interpersonal relationships at the workplace)
    2-2. Proceeding with work the Japanese way (Horenso, PDCA, Sense of Time, Work attitude)

  • Chapter 3

    Pitfalls and Advice for Foreign Staff

    Pitfall 1 – Who is my leader?
    Pitfall 2 – Where am I moving toward?
    Pitfall 3 – Why is decision so slow?
    Pitfall 4 – I can’t see my area of responsibility
    Pitfall 5 – Why can’t I get promoted fast?
    Pitfall 6 – Don’t they care about work-life balance?


Mr. Nagayasu Daisuke


Mr. Nagayasu Daisuke

Winning Together has been very useful for both local employees and Japanese people. A Singaporean manager who worked in the same personnel department, commented that the background information of Japanese companies such as basic methodologies were very easy to comprehend and absorb.

Although our company is a Japanese-affiliated company, continual business execution in Singapore has resulted in work processes gradually being localized to adapt to the social context here.
The style of management requires the way of work to be that of what one will expect from a Japanese company, but many employees are working with their own mindset and culture.
Therefore it is essential that we have people that can act as bridges to mediate between these two corporate cultures. This will aid in building better synergies for the future
I believe that it is necessary to have knowledge in this matter to ensure that this bridging role is not misjudged as a narrowness of corporate culture.

For example, most employees know what the 5S are. However, not many can briefly explain why the 5S is necessary.
In order for managers to serve as bridges to move their subordinates and advance the 5S in the workplace, they must be able to explain the necessity of the 5S to their subordinates.
In this book, these necessities are explained in great detail.

In addition to the “5S”, this book talks about the work perspective of Japanese companies and the way in which we can communicate effectively with our superiors. This makes the book very comprehensive and in this sense, I think it is unique.
For Japanese people, I think that this book will be useful in helping innovate, improve and organize the Japanese corporate culture.

I would think that the degree of localization would vary depending on the company, but I would like to encourage personnel officials to grab this book and have a read.

Mr. Adachi Mitsutaka


Mr. Adachi Mitsutaka

The topics discussed in Winning Together felt very practical and real, as the issue discussed were problems we faced in our company every day.
Moreover, the book was not written superficially, rather it is written with the Japanese mindset and thinking in mind. Thus, readers, can understand the culture of Japanese companies at a deeper level.

This is so when it comes to Vietnamese people, who are generally pro-Japanese. Working in a Japanese company is a form of status and the responses from the staff who have read this book were very positive.
Of course, for Japanese people customs that can be hard to explain are clearly stated. This in turn can help with the daily work process.

The book is organized in a systematic manner and is structured in an easy to read manner. As a manager, I am constantly worrying about the degree of Japanese customs and business manners we should bring to local subsidiaries. This book was very useful for systematically organizing my way of thinking during such times.

I feel that it is one book that can be recommended to not only the local staff, but Japanese representatives as well. Particularly that of executives.

About the author

Kawatani Takashi

Diversity Management Institute Inc.
Global management consultant

Author: Kawatani Takashi

Conducts research, lecture and training on cross cultural leadership and management in Asia, China, Europe, US and Japan. Formerly lecturer at Sanno University, research associate of Center for Japan Studies at Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia (ISIS), external special advisor of Japan Overseas Enterprise Association (JOEA). Lived in Malaysia for 17 years.Awarded Global HR Award from the World HRD Congress 2011 (Mumbai).

Publication: “Winning Together at Japanese Companies”, “Working Together”, “Managing in Asia: Cross-cultural Management Guide”, “Become a Boss who can Speak English”, “Multicultural team management · DVD series”, others.
Speaker at Japanese Chamber of Commerce and industry Singapore since 1998.

森田 英一

beyond global Group  President & CEO

Planner / editor: Eiichi Morita

After graduating from graduate school, worked at Accenture, a management consulting company. Founded Shake Co., a human resource development consulting company. Following that, became its president.
Currently based in Japan and Singapore, engaging in organization/HR consulting, global human resource development, etc.

beyond global Japan,Inc. (then at Doors), received the HR Award 2013 Best Award. He is a visiting professor of Kochi University.

Publications: “Art of being a top-notch leader” (Asuka publication) “Polish Autonomy Power” TV appearances: “Gaia no Yoake/The Dawn of Gaia” “World Business Satellite”.

Winning Together
at Japanese Companies

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